23.07.2021 | General information

A changing of the generations at Innotech

2021 is a year of particular significance to this family business. Not only is the company celebrating a milestone birthday, but the Reiter family is also handing over the reins to son Christoph, appointing him Managing Director of the Innotech Group.

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The past is history, the future is a secret, and every moment is a gift!

Christoph Reiter

How time flies

It has been already 20 years since the founding of Innotech Arbeitsschutz GmbH. The operation that started out in a changing room is now ranked among Europe's leading manufacturers of fall prevention systems. Every single day the family-operated enterprise makes their contribution to keeping the lives of many people safe. After starting out in roofing, Innotech has constantly developed the business further to keep their fingers on the pulse of the times. To this end, a large portion of the earned money is reinvested in the advancement of the products as well as in digitisation, the tapping of new markets and the further training of staff members. Investing in the future to make the workplace safer from falls from a height - that is the principle that guides Innotech’s business. The focus to achieve this goal is placed on quality rather than quantity.


Everyone is chipping in

And so is Christoph Reiter, who joined the family business in 2008 after completing his apprenticeship as a metalworking technician. After learning the ropes at the company from the bottom up, he has invested tremendous energy over the last few years to take the company to the next level and make it a digital pioneer in the industry. Despite his full schedule at work and in his family, he managed to earn a master’s degree in business management. Coinciding with the company’s 20th anniversary, he will now be entrusted with heading the company by his parents Gerald and Antje Reiter.


The past is history, the future is a secret, and every moment is a gift!

This is the motto Christoph Reiter lives by. His objective is to lead the company into a safe and sustainable future and expand its international business even further. The Innotech Group is supposed to be a positive and safe environment for all employees and all stakeholders alike. First and foremost, work is supposed to bring joy. This is why Innotech puts the team, all co-workers and the safe further advancement of the company front and centre. Since 90% of all products are manufactured at the Kirchham site, the family business covers a wide array of job descriptions. These job profiles are constantly improved, networked and optimised with the help of digital processes.

The application of astute and highly advanced management methods has brought a great level of transparency between the departments and every employee. These methods have replaced ad-hoc management and guarantee outstanding transparency and coordination quality. Digital surveys conducted on a regular basis provide management with direct feedback, allowing them to prioritise projects based on their “actual” urgency. The key to success lies in Innotech’s ability to work as a team! Customer satisfaction can only be attained by employees who are satisfied - from the inside out!!