17.11.2022 | PV/flat roofs

Safety increases business for solar system installers as full service providers

PV systems on the roof have been booming for quite some time. No wonder, because having your own solar power plant on the roof not only gives you much more independence in terms of energy supply, but also makes a significant contribution to the energy transition as a whole. If you also focus on the issue of safety on the roof, then as a solar installer you can leave the competition behind. In this article, you will discover how you can achieve this.

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Specialist series: Absturzsicherung auf PV-Anlagen

Guide for PV systems on the roof

Guide: Fall Protection Photovoltaic (PV)-System

This ultimate fall protection guide will help you to achieve a safe PV system on the roof. In the following, we summarise the danger areas on the roof, the liability issue and the safety solutions in a compact way. In addition, you will learn how you can generate more turnover as a solar installer.


Elektro Scherer puts its trust in the TAURUS rail system from INNOTECH

In its practical implementation, the roof installation of PV systems together with their associated fall protection repeatedly creates specific challenges. In the case of Elektro Scherer, a TAURUS rail system from INNOTECH was attached directly to the K2 substructure of the solar power plant.


How roof surfaces can be optimally used for the planned PV installation

With regard to PV installations on roofs, the question of competition for area often arises. This refers to competition between various types of use for the available area. The reason is that in principle all PV system operators want to free up the maximum possible amount of space for their solar power plant.


Why should you, as PV installers, also offer the fall protection system?

We invited experts to a discussion on the subject of fall protection for PV systems on flat and pitched roofs. In this blog post we go into the most frequently asked questions related to this topic.


Individual or collective protection? Which system is used when for PV installations on a roof?

While dangers like break-throughs or an increased fall risk close to the roof edge lurk on a flat roof, on a pitched roof the inclination itself is the greatest challenge. Discover in the following article how you can professionally protect your maintenance and cleaning staff.


A professional safety concept for PV installations protects the wallet and the nerves

As a solar system installer, you naturally know every detail of the legal safety provisions relating to PV systems on a roof. In contrast, your clients may well be entering completely new territory which probably raises a number of additional questions. It is therefore all the more important from the outset to integrate the subject of safety into the planning of the PV system, and to create a substantiated and professional safety concept.


Successful solar system installers are those who offer PV fall protection at the same time

Solar system installers who, in addition to the optimally appropriate PV systems, can also provide the best possible fall protection, not only have a better image than their competitors – they can also use this to create increased turnover.


Safety increases business for solar system installers as full service providers

PV systems on the roof have been booming for quite some time. No wonder, because having your own solar power plant on the roof not only gives you much more independence in terms of energy supply, but also makes a significant contribution to the energy transition as a whole. If you also focus on the issue of safety on the roof, then as a solar installer you can leave the competition behind. In this article, you will discover how you can achieve this.

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Supporting multiple PV customers simultaneously can often become a huge challenge

Not only private households, but also businesses and companies, are relying increasingly on generating their own solar energy. The presently escalating energy prices will hasten this trend even further. For solar system installers, this creates enormous potential for winning new orders. It can then very easily happen that multiple projects or construction sites have to be managed simultaneously. And that creates a number of challenges.


Work on a PV system on a roof

Installing one’s own PV system on a roof makes sense for a number of reasons. So that it always provides the best possible performance, workers regularly have to access the solar power plant in order to perform servicing and cleaning tasks. Who is responsible or liable for the consequences of accidents?


PV systems on a roof – consider all danger areas, in order to protect against falls effectively

The circumstances and conditions of every single order for a PV system on a roof must always be analysed very closely, in order to implement the correct safety precautions. Solar system installers who recognise all risks and can at the same time also propose the appropriate professional and certified solution to their customers have the opportunity to position themselves as a responsible absolute expert in their area. In the medium and long term, this also has a positive effect on the sales performance of solar system installers.


6 tips which help solar system installers to gain increased turnover from their PV installations on roofs

Even if the connection isn’t obvious at first glance, solar system installers and PV installation companies can acquire significantly more new customers with a partner who is a certified and professional manufacturer of fall protection systems for PV installations on roofs. The reason why is very simple: They are able to cover the subject of safety in the very first meeting with the customer, thereby relieving their potential clients of a large amount of research work.


Subsequent installation of a fall protection system for PV installations on the roof

It is never too late to make the right decisions and implement them! This means that even operators of PV installations on the roof should consider whether the subsequent upgrade of their solar power plant with a professional and certified fall protection system is feasible and sensible.


360° solutions as a guarantee for success

Solar system installers capable of including a safety solution with their PV systems hold a clear edge over the competition. You can find out why this is the case in the following article.


4 steps are necessary for professional fall protection on the PV system on the roof

Discover all the necessary information here. In this article, we explain in summary the four steps that will lead you to your fall protection for PV systems. This much in advance, everything starts with a plan...


The right fall protection creates more space for the PV system

Here is an example from practice. ADREX relies on its proven one-stop-shop principle, in order to largely relieve its customers of all tasks related to their own roof-mounted solar power plants. This obviously also includes the selection and installation of a professional fall protection system for the PV installation.


Correct servicing and inspection of your PV fall protection system protects you from many problems

The fall protection for your PV system on a roof is 100% safe only if it is also inspected regularly for signs of potential wear and tear, damage, or corrosion, and for loose mounts. Discover what matters.


The professional way to install a fall protection system for your PV system on the roof

The detailed planning of the fall protection system for your PV system on the roof is followed by what is probably the most tantalising moment of the endeavour to make your solar power plant as safe and efficient as possible: the installation; the project is finally taking concrete shape. Discover what matters in the process.


The installation of a fall protection system for your PV system on the roof requires a certain amount of expertise!

The same rules that apply in all other areas of life and work also hold true in the area of fall protection systems for PV systems installed on a roof: Solid initial and further training are of pivotal importance, especially when it comes to the correct installation and proper servicing / cleaning of the system and its individual solar panels.


The aspects to focus on when planning a fall protection system for the PV system on your roof

The goal to harvest as much power as possible from your own solar power plant therefore hinges on the ability to maximise the utilisation of the roof surface, while securing the trouble-free operation of the solar power plant for the long term. This requires a comprehensive plan which factors in all details and also includes a professional system that protects against falls from a height.


Fall protection systems for your PV system installed on the roof

There are questions that come up again and again when it comes to the safety of PV systems on the roof. We have summarised the 6 most frequently asked questions by installers and solar technicians and also show the challenges of PV systems on flat and pitched roofs. The focus is always on possible safety solutions to mitigate these.


PV systems on a flat roof can be efficient and safe at the same time

In the examination of current practice below, we show you two individual solutions for flat roofs, together with the respective challenges which may be created by one’s own solar power plant. Discover the TAURUS rail system and the AIO lifeline system using Autohaus Nägele & Sohn GmbH and Autowelt Reibersdorfer as examples.


5 tips relating to your PV system on the roof

How to save time and money. Installing a photovoltaic system on your own roof is always a good idea, because in this way a previously completely unused surface is availed of for the sustainable production of electricity for your household or company. But so that this success story really comes into being, as early as the planning phase of your PV system you should also create a professional safety concept, or get one created.


Professional fall protection for your PV system on pitched roofs

Installation tasks on the photovoltaic system, as well as its servicing and cleaning, represent a particular challenge. An selection of possible security solutions including advantages can be discovered in the following article. In addition, the topic of access to the PV system on the pitched roof is also covered.


Fall protection photovoltaics

Not all roofs are the same. In the same way that roof forms differ greatly, the dangers concealed during installation and servicing and cleaning tasks on PV systems are just as variable. For this reason, we present solutions for all cases here.

Aerial photo of the Novotegra company building in Tübingen, with integrated PV system

Innovative project in Tübingen

The combination of Novotegra’s PV substructure with INNOTECH’s flexible fall protection systems provides significant added value for both fitters and end customers.

A professional fall protection system for PV systems on the roof must meet a number of requirements in order to be certified accordingly and officially classified as safe.

Selina Bauchinger

But first of all, what matters most: Safety on rooftops always has top priority. And that is also prescribed legally through numerous regulations. 


Increased turnover for responsible solar system installers

However, these very sensible safety requirements for PV systems on a roof also have a number of benefits for solar system installers. When they collaborate from the very start with a reliable partner for PV fall protection systems, and also pass on the importance of safety to all their customers, they can generate even more turnover in the short and long term. In addition, their customers always have a feeling of safety, and know that they are advised and supported professionally. This contributes directly to the positive image of the respective solar system or PV installer. Furthermore, the customer need not engage further trades or companies in order to obtain an integrated solution. The system operator thus saves himself a large amount of time and money – and that too soon gets around. 


The major advantages of collaborating with INNOTECH, for you as a solar system installer:

  • Finding the right solution for every safety problem on a roof, quickly and simply. And this starts as early as the installation of the PV system on the roof.


  • Comprehensive support from INNOTECH and high-quality fall protection systems for PV installations on a roof.


  • Absolute legal certainty.


  • Increased turnover from long-term service and maintenance contracts with customers, as well as other additional business and referrals.


  • Excellent image as a responsible solar system installer.



But your customers of course also benefit from this collaboration. Because they then have only one contact partner to deal with, i.e. the solar system installer, and they are also on the safe side legally, should something serious actually happen. And: A professional, certified fall protection system for the PV installation on a roof also ensures delivery of the best performance, and generation of the maximum solar power, because servicing and cleaning tasks can be performed safely at any time. 

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It is never too late to make the right decision ...

Many existing PV systems on the roof are insufficiently secured against falls. Solar system installers and system operators should therefore also retrospectively check the safety situation of the respective solar power plant, and make improvements where necessary. Because: It is never too late to do the right thing! If the PV system on a roof is protected only by an improvised solution then, according to AUVA (Austrian Workers' Compensation Board), DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance) and SUVA (Swiss National Accident Insurance Organization), there may already be a need to take action. The most important thing is that the fall protection system is optimised for the PV installation on the roof. This system can be individual protection (single anchor points, a lifeline system, or a rail system) or collective protection, such as a guardrail system. An overview of the most popular systems for retrofitting PV installations on a roof is available here.


Sales argument for fall protection

Solar system installers relieve their customers of a great deal of research and even hard work, if they are full service providers and offer not only the PV system itself, but also the appropriate professional, certified fall protection at the same time. This is because, by installing the PV system and its safety solution in a single step, they save the operators additional logistics and construction measures, which in turn means that the solar power plant can be commissioned more quickly. And, as a solar system installer, this allows you to increase the potential turnover significantly. You will find the 6 tips to help you increase turnover for your PV systems on a roof here

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The view of the bigger picture

Even just for legal reasons, as a full service provider of PV systems including professional, certified fall protection, you should always recognise all sources of danger on a roof and neutralise them accordingly. This includes not only roof edges, but also other trip hazards and obstructions, such as skylights and satellite dishes. The route up to the roof should also be made as safe as possible – and that even applies to the inspection of the property in the initial stages of the project. Particular danger areas on the route up to the roof are:

  • The ascent – generally takes place via a window or a ladder


  • The transition to the roof – one of the most dangerous moments whatsoever



For every project, all these danger sources and areas must be recognised and reported to the customer, so that he also obtains a feeling for the very important subject of safety. Solar system installers can also avail of this opportunity to build up long-term customer relations and to win follow-on orders.   


Who bears the responsibility?

The roof is a dangerous workplace. For this reason, numerous regulations and standards exist worldwide for this area of activity. These are intended to significantly increase the safety of the employees who must work exposed in this way. In this blog post we are concentrating on Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. The question of responsibility too is legally governed. The operators of PV systems on a roof are liable for accidents which, resulting from defective or missing safety systems, often cause serious injuries or even result in death. In an extreme case, negligence may even be attributed – and this results in heavy penalties and possibly also consequences under civil law. 

During the installation work, solar system installers are naturally responsible for the safety of their employees. In addition, solar system installers are obliged to inform their customers about potential safety precautions for the PV system on the roof. And also: AUVA, DGUV, and SUVA support companies in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland to eliminate all safety threats and injury risks on a roof. You will find further information about the legal regulations in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland here.

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Only certified solutions are safe 

A professional fall protection system for PV systems on a roof must satisfy a number of requirements before it is certified accordingly and can be categorised as safe. For this, the respective safety solution is thoroughly tested by the test laboratory of the Labour Inspectorate. In addition, the fall protection system must have operating and installation instructions which are comprehensive and understandable. 


Collaboration with INNOTECH in practice

Every project has its own very specific challenges. But what happens when several projects have to be implemented at the same time? Is this even possible? An example from practice, at the Liechtensteinische Kraftwerke (LKW), who relied on collaboration with INNOTECH, provides a clear answer: Yes, it is possible. 


Here is a brief report about this:

Martin Beck, who has led the Renewable Energy department in the Electrical Installation section at LKW for 15 years, has long recognised: “Renewable energy sources have been a long-term trend for some time”. However, the war in Ukraine caused the market for PV systems with battery storage to “explode almost overnight”. His established team was soon at full capacity. He was able to master this difficult period only by remaining calm, working consistently, and having support from the right partners. “For this, we are and were in permanent contact with the experts from INNOTECH, and we were and are supported very well. It is certainly also one of the keys to success that, thanks to INNOTECH, we are able to provide all-inclusive solutions”. 

“INNOTECH has been our partner over many years, and they support us in the complex consultancy and implementation of fall arrest systems”, says Martin Beck, manager of the Renewable Energy department in the Electrical Installation section at LKW. The full interview can be read here.

Contact us immediately for further information. Our experts are happy to explain to you the numerous options for collaboration. Together we are even stronger.

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